Thursday, 28 July 2011

Onwards and Upwards

The news in brief:

  1. No PhD funding from the ESRC this year :( Dissapointing, but not deterring. The plan is to continue improving my academic and research skills and refining the ideas for my proposal (possibly by getting an article published in an academic journal - any advice RE this on a postcard please!)

  2. With the end of the summer term work is winding down and I'm taking the opportunity to engage in some career development - had a wonderful day with Sound Connections today developing my use of singing, voice and music with early years. Next week will see me dusting off my ballet pumps and heading to The Place for a week's intensive Introduction to Ballet (in an attempt to improve my flexibility, agility and creativity with physical work) If anyone knows of any other exciting training/courses happening over the summer, please let me know!

  3. In a recent holiday to Cyprus (visiting the girls who I studied with on my MA) I read Mike Alfred's book on acting and directing Different Every Night. I'm really excited by his approach to the rehearsal process, and as I've always believed the reheasal process has the most to teach drama and theatre facilitators on curriulum and pedagogy I'm excited to look over my own practice to see where I can intigrate some of Alfred's ideas....

And that's really all for now folks - a few ideas cooking for the next term, but can't give it all away up front, so watch this space!